Plaquenil Screenings

Protect Your Vision—Get a Plaquenil Screening

Why Is Plaquenil Screening Important?

Prescription medications serve a very important purpose—keeping us healthy so we can enjoy our lives. Unfortunately, there are also some downsides. For example, there are some drugs on the market that can have potentially harmful effects on your vision. One such drug is Plaquenil. Using this medication for a long time can cause damage to the retina, which may lead to vision loss. If you take Plaquenil, call Estero Optics to schedule a screening.

What is Plaquenil?

Plaquenil is a medicine that is used primarily for preventing or treating malaria. However, it can also help treat inflammatory conditions, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjögren’s syndrome. 

What Types of Eye Problems Can Plaquenil Cause?

Plaquenil eye problems can be rare but serious. One of the most concerning Plaquenil side effects is retinal damage. The prolonged use of Plaquenil can cause harm to the delicate tissues of the retina, causing loss of vision. Patients who suffer from retinal damage due to Plaquenil use are not able to detect their condition at first. Unfortunately, it may not be identified until there is a considerable amount of permanent vision loss. Therefore, it is necessary that you visit an eye care professional regularly for a Plaquenil eye exam if you are taking this medicine. 

What Happens During a Plaquenil Eye Exam?

When you visit a clinical optometrist for a Plaquenil eye exam, your doctor will perform different tests to detect the presence or extent of retinal damage due to this medication. A Plaquenil screening should include a visual field test, OCT imaging, multifocal electroretinogram, retinal and autofluorescent photos of your eye. If there are any signs of damage to your retina, your optometrist may ask you to consult with your primary care physician to see if you should continue taking the drug. This may help reduce the amount of permanent vision loss.

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